The Polish-Czech Forum 2023: intensification of the Polish-Czech cooperation in terms of priorities of foreign policies of both countries

The following project aims to intensify the Polish-Czech cooperation in terms of priorities of foreign policies of both countries, in particular in the scope of the annual presidency of Czech Republic within the Visegrad Group, staring on July, 2023 as well as to intensify both contacts and knowledge-sharing of Polish and Czech expert environments.

Institute of New Europe, by the cooperation with the Institute for Politics and Society as the main partner, ellaborated six podcasts, a report in three language versions and the Polish-Czech Forum Conference, 2023. All results of the project You can find on this dedicated website.

Components of the project



In the Polish-Czech Forum 2023 Report, prepared in English, Polish and Czech languages, you can find six chapters concerning Polish-Czech bilateral relations with the particular emphasis on the foreign policy issues. We strongly encourage you to read the report regarding the impact of Russo-Ukrainian War on Czech politics, the Czech engagement in the regional cooperation, good practices of development of military industry on the selected Czech example, the multidimensional crisis especially negatively affecting in the field of energy security, migration crises caused by the Russo-Ukrainian War and economic cooperation between Poland and Czech Republic. 



The series of 6 podcasts was conducted by the expert of the Institute of New Europe, Michał Banasiak. Interviews were covered by the former Prime Minister of Czech Republic and the former Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Ambassador of Republic of Poland to Slovakia, two managing directors of Czech think-tanks, by the chairman of one of the leading Czech think-tanks and by the Czech expert, working on the field of regional and bilateral relations. 



Video recordings from the conference organized in Warsaw on the 13th of October, 2023 with an active participation of three Czech experts, two Polish researchers and the representative of the Polish Ministry of Foreign Affairs. The two panels were devoted respectively to the issue of bilateral relations of Poland and Czechia with a particular emphasis on foreign policy priorities of both countries and to the chances and challenges for strenghtening the regional cooperation, engaging both Czech Republic and Republic of Poland.